AntSnes 0.7: Support for S60 5th edition
The 5th edition version is finally ready. I had N97 to test it with, and it runs really well with it 🙂 The keypad works really well! Unfortunately I didn’t have a Samsung’s I8910 to test the capacitive touch so I really can’t tell if it works, so feedback is welcome.
The project has now a wikipage at github. So if you’ll find any good configs you can post them into the wiki page too.
know issues:
- Audio doesn’t quite yet work
AntSnes for the 5th edition
Just download and install.
If you got an error “unable to install”, or “certificate error” you might be having problems with the certificate. See my other blog post about two common fixes for this. Fixing self-signed certificate related problems
Sis installation file for 5th edition: AntSnes_v070.sis (5322 downloads)
The S60 3rd edition should still use the old AntSnes 0.63 release
sources can be found from github: