iControlPad support libarary for Qt
The iControlPad didn’t work in keyboard mode with Symbian devices, so I decided to make my own support library for it. The iControlPad is working on SPP mode as default, and that mode support also the analog nubs, so I decided to write support for it.
You can get the support library from GitHub: https://github.com/Summeli/iCP4Qt
Integrating the library to your project
You only need to include the iCP4Qt pri file inside your project file
include (iCP4Qt.pri)
Connecting to the iControlPad
Connecting to the iControlPad is easy. Crete the iControlpad client, and then call connect:
client = new iControlPadClient(this); //the keyEvents will be delivered to the parent
client->discoverAndConnect( iControlPadClient::iCPReadDigital );
Once connected, whe library will emit singal:
void connectedToiControlPad();
And if the iControlPad was not found, then it’ll emit
void iControlPadNotFound();
Receiving keypress events
The key events are delivered via Qt’s standard event handler, so you can receive keyevents by implementing the keyevents in you object
void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * event);
void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent* event);
The analog nubs are delivered via analogNubsUpdated event
void analogNubsUpdated( qint8 l_x, qint8 l_y, qint8 r_x, qint8 r_y );
where l_x and l_r are the left nub coordinates and r_x and r_y are the right nub coordinates. Where +32 is full down or full right, and -32 is full up or full left. 0,0 is center.
Meego support
I’m developing this with N950 and it seems to be working pretty well.
Symbian Support
I’m having some trouble with the Symbian support. I’m building with SymbianSR1Qt474 and with QtMobility 1.2, which is “not yet mature enough for ovi store”, so it probably has some issues on it. Everything is build on top of QtMobility APIs so the Symbian should also be supported when the QtMobility 1.2 is officially distributed to the Symbian devices.