Realtime clock data from Alge-timing system
I made all of this stuff into the Finice 2019 ice climbing competition ( The idea is to send the clock timing events into web, so we could use them in the results-office, or we ...
I made all of this stuff into the Finice 2019 ice climbing competition ( The idea is to send the clock timing events into web, so we could use them in the results-office, or we ...
I had way too much trouble with the new version of the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved plugin. The default configuration page is missing the option to StripBrs. A quick and dirty solution was to write a ...
Update to my previous post I added a new WAN port for my pfSensebox. Now we can have a mobile 4G connection shared into LAN from all three Finnish networks (DNA, Telia, Elisa). This is pretty rad.
I just added a third WAN connection into my pfSensebox for LAN parties. However the configuration was pretty tricky and I forgot most of the settings, so I wrote this quick guide to follow for the ...
We have small LAN-party for about 30 people twice a year. The party takes a place far away from good internet connections. We have to manage with only 4G connections in here. Currently it get reall...
Last spring I was organizing official Finnish ice climbing championships . We were a really small team behind this production. The problem for us was how to deliver real time results...
This post is pretty much a reminder note to myself how to quickly start debugging certificate errors. I have googled this stuff way too often. Checking the certification expiration date: openssl s...
I have WordPress based sites that I maintain. I haven’t been updating this blog for a while now. Hopefully I’ll get something neat done during this year. Here’s an easy way to take backups from Wo...
The Ovi store closed down more than a month ago. I migrated to the opera appstore, and updated the link to poin to the Opera store instead of Ovi. Anyway, Here’s the new Badges for my apps AntSnes ...
I bought a new gpu, AMD’s r9 290x. I was a bit surprised after first day since it seemed to be freezing some times. It could run just perfectly for few hours and then *boom*, it freezes. I googled ...