
gpSP4Symbian v0.6: Experimental Audio

the gpSP is a gameboy advance emulator originally written by Exophase. And now it’s ported to the Symbian OS! This version adds an experimental audio into the gpsp. The audio is pretty much behind ...

PSX4All proof of concept now running on Nokia N97

I just took the psx4all stuff from S60 3rd edition port and put that running on my N97 with my Qt stuff, which I have previously used for AntSnes and gpsp4Symbian. It’s really slow as I expected, b...

gpSP4Symbian v0.5.1: Support for Samsung i8910

the gpSP is a gameboy advance emulator originally written by Exophase. And now it’s ported to the Symbian OS! This is a small patch for the previous version, so no real need to update for Nokia use...

Fixing the blit for Samsung i8910

I got lot’s of complaints about the broken blit in gpsp4Symbian with Samsung i8910. The root cause for this problem is that the following code doesn’t set the ScreenBuffer in samsung into Landscape...

Download-Feed: my first WordPress plugin

Download-Feed is a plugin for creating a XML feed from downloads created with Download-Monitor WordPress plugin. The XML feed could be used for integrating a mobile client into the download-interfa...

gpSP4Symbian v0.5: first beta

the gpSP is a gameboy advance emulator originally written by Exophase. And now it’s ported to the Symbian OS! The first gpSP4Symbian release is now ready for the testing. It already has some of the...

AntSnesQt V. 0.6: new graphics

The new AntSnesQt comes with Big D-pad, which is optimized for resistive touchscreen. I had some help for the new graphics for this release: Thanks for Saiyaku for the new D-pad graphics and UI...

AntSnes v. 0.72: final release for S60 5th edition

I decided to make one more release for the 5th edition since the Qt + SwEvent is only working on Nokia’s phones. I’ll be using Qt from now on, and I recommend all Nokia users to take the Qt version...

gpsp running on Symbian

I have the gpsp port already running on my N97, and it looks really promising. Take a look at the video 🙂 The dynarec isn’t stable yet. I can run one track with mario kart, and then it freezes. It’...

Memory Mapping solution for Dynamic Recompilation in Symbian OS

The gpsp was my first emulator port with dynamic recompilation. The problem in memory mapping and dynarec is that local data in Symbian OS is too far away from the user area, where we the new memor...